Changes in the Supervisory Board of the PKM DUDA SA

16 LUT, 2018 GODZ: 16:27

The Extraordinary General Meeting of PKM DUDA SA, on 8 January 2013, appointed Mr Maciej Duda inot the Supervisory Board of the IV term. The composition of the Supervisory Board, resulting form the resignation of Mr. Marek Dybalski on 9 January decreased to 8 persons.

The application of the former President of the company was submitted by the current President, Dariusz Formela.

- We will be very happy to benefit from the great experience Maciej Duda has gatheredstates Dariusz Formela the President of PKM DUDA – I am certain that our co-operation will be positive and fruitful, and that it will be beneficial for the company, which is facing numerous challenges at the moment.

Being a part of the Supervisory Board enables me to support the Company within strategic issues, including making the Capital Group more dynamic comments Maciej Duda I am happy with the decision and the shareholders’ trust.

At the same time, on January 9, Marek Dybalski also resigned from his post. Maksymilian Kostrzewa, a representative of BZ WBK bank, one of the key shareholders in the Company, claims that, despite the limited number of members, the Board will continue operating.

- The whole Group is in the process of restructurizationexplains Maksymilian KostrzewaLimiting this number is also a part of this process he adds.

The rearrangements in the Supervisory Board of the PKM Duda SA are a consequence of changes, which resulted from Maciej Duda and Bogna Duda-Jankowiak’s resignation form their Board posts, and Mr. Dariusz Formela was appointed the new President.

More information:
Daniel Ratajczak
Marketing & PR Advisor to the Board
tel. +48 65 547 70 20

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